Archiwum 29 sierpnia 2011

sie 29 2011 By the time you fix one flaw, there are already...
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Up until about a year ago, I was one of those people who try to have everything under control, who try to fix everything Tiffany Silver Necklaces, and most of all - never, ever ask for help nor accept it when helping hand is offered...

This kind of life can be rough on performer because things (sometimes small and most likely large) keep getting out of hands. three new ones sprouting and bursting into life on the other side of the guarded territory...

Somehow I was managing everything anyway (or, that's what I thought), but it was a constant struggle, never ending battles and more and more defeats. At the same time I was very proud of myself for being a person who wouldn't quit, not even when quitting would be the best choice.

Then, just at the time when by all widely accepted standards I should be settled down, well taken care of, successful in my career and mostly happy, the rock bottom hit...The impact was so enormous, that my whole world collapsed, turned into a dust and my empire, where I was the absolute ruler (even though bothered with many distractions), was wiped out. There was nothing left, except emptiness...

Naturally, I broke down completely - the sight over an infinite nothingness was so overwhelming that one Sunday after the service in the local church I started crying and couldn't stop. That was really convenient since there were some people available and willing to listen and talk to me and they gently leaded me to the path of complete surrender.

Now, more than a year later, I'm trying to remember at all times to "let go and let God". The urges to take things in my own hands and fix them can still be very strong from time to time. They even come accompanied by the sufficient rush of energy to work on that certain project. But my spiritual self is now aware of the fact that life is so much easier with the help of the Universe.

All we ever need to do is to enjoy life and to Tiffany CO Necklaces. I find this affirmation from Your Immortal Reality by Gary R. Renard most useful:

You are Spirit.

Whole and innocent.

All is forgiven and released.

If it happens to resonate with your heart as well, please go ahead and use it. It has a great potential to bring more and more peace into your life as well.

atharinaobinson : :